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Active Member
I was thinking that there should be a thing for Moderators - Co-Owner that you can request day offs so you can do fun things like Factions. I believe Chris loves factions, and would love to do it again. So what I'm trying to say is that you should let Mod - Co-Owners request to have a day off and kill people in Factions or whatever. They should at least request a day off and do really fun stuff. But this is what your Nametag would look in chat. Example: [Day off][Mod] ChrisTheLink. So I hope this would be a helpful suggestion, but, some of you might think "We'll, what happens if there is only one staff member online and has a day off while there is hacker?" I've got your answer. Even if they do take a day off, they can still ban people. But the Day off let's them have a fun day in factions or something. So please read and reply with answers or questions.


Owner, Founder and Lead Developer
Staff Manager
200315844 said:
Well mods+ might get mad at someone who slays them and ban them?
yup, that why I don't let staff to be in factions. Over 5+ staff got banned for dat reason :p