• Note: We are accepting any kind of map. However, we are specifically looking for Jigsaw Levels and Parkour maps. Therefore, your arena may have a higher chance to be accepted if it's for once of those game-modes, as long as it meets our Map Criteria.
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Draw It .


Active Member
Cool idea, but it might be better if you made a video of it in survival mode, that is, if you are capable of setting your game mode. If not, see if someone else could record it for you, or I could if you need.


Retired HHG Build Team Leader
In your post, you said that the plot was: /plot visit Zekerundo ? Is this correct? Because when I visited the plot, all I found was your previous Jigsaw level submission, and the other builds scattered around your plot?


Retired Staff
As others have said, isn't there another level like this?... What would be the point of having a duplicate level? I've had ideas for Jigsaw levels that I would like to put to use-- I could possibly work together on them with you at some point if you're online. :)