youtube videos

  1. cadbane86140

    Minecraft: Teacher Mini-game #2! (halloween Edition)

    Hello there! We are back on Teacher today but with a twist, It's Halloween Edition! Also this is probably the closest any of of us will be to a classroom this year but there are so many hilarious moments in this video that I know you guys are gonna love! But I hope you all enjoy this video and...
  2. cadbane86140

    Minecraft: Super Craft Bros #2!

    Hello there! We are finally back on Super Craft Bros and today it's just total mayhem! It's 2 of our friend's first time playing this gamemode and their reactions are hilarious! I hope you all enjoy this video and if you did don't forget to like and sub for more super craft bros in the future!
  3. cadbane86140

    Saw Adventure Map Fail!

    Hello there! Today we are playing the classic Saw adventure map but we fail pretty miserably at it! I am joined by Vintage,Vlad and Scarlet, even though we failed we had a lot of fun playing this! But don't worry guys I will be doing this map in its entirety REALLY soon! I hope you all enjoy...
  4. Varatox

    Global YouTube + YT Rank | SUGGESTION

    In this thread I will be going over a few ideas I have about YouTubers and some new ranks on HHG. I think that there should be a YT rank and a YouTube/YouTuber rank. The YT rank can be for smaller YouTubers who put good quality, hopefully commentary content out. This YT rank can mainly...
  5. BaccaKetchum

    IMPORTANT: How do I get YT Rank

    I have a YouTUBE channel, but i don't know how to get the rank. Could someone tell me how?
  6. iiDoozie

    iiDoozie Gaming < YT Channel

    Hey guys! I just wanted to get my channel out to the HHG community! On YouTube look up "iiDoozie Gaming" or click Shorty, my channel will be seeing HHG come up on most of my videos. Please subscribe to my channel as I do try my hardest to...
  7. mrTurtleGaming

    Survival Games Ep:2 Good armor Bad Weapon

  8. mrTurtleGaming

    My YouTube Channel For All HHG Needs!

    Come check out my channel for all the best content you will need with HHG since I cant add a link yet got to youtube(.)com/c/DidYouSeeThatPlayo ;) btw do not use my banner for anything