
  1. MeeperMeeper

    Checkpoint Lost

    I was recently playing with MqssDino on Happy Hunger Games, and we were doing dungeon 6 together, and then I said that I finished it, so my friend asked me if there were any parkours I hadn't finished and I told her that the parkours I hadn't finished were web, grass, mirror, tower, and tomb...
  2. JennaLuv

    Im Alive!

    Its been a while since I've posted! I'm getting so much love in game though thank you all so much omg <3 Going from being a complete nobody and being low key bullied to people saying hi to me and knowing I'm online before I even type is such a weird change! It makes my heart so happy knowing...
  3. BruhItsMatt

    Zainos or high up staff please look (regarding duping in skyblock)

    Hey staff, so i got banned for duping (yes i will admit i did.), but i am not sure if you ever figured out how i did it! If someone like me could figure it out, surely someone else can too! I am more than happy to show you or explain how i did it, and if you find it helpful...all i ask for is a...
  4. AppleGlacier

    Staff Laughs

  5. Dimond_Cr33p3r

    Fixed Kicked and Cannot Return

    I was playing parkour on the dreams map and got kicked. The message said: "Failed to connect to the server You are already logged on to this server. It may help to try logging in again in a few minutes. If this does not resolve your issue, please contact staff."
  6. AppleGlacier

    Should I join back?

    I know I just left a couple of days ago but so many people seem like they want me back and things have calmed down a bit. So should I come back to being staff?
  7. AppleGlacier

    I'm Leaving

    Hey everyone, I know a bunch of you will be sad but I am leaving. Although I can't work with the staff team. For me,it feels like a bunch of people trying to be better than one another. There are some good ones still. Although, I can't say who is good or bad. I wish you all the best of luck...
  8. Deathtoalldinis

    Global Why Not A Voting System For Staff.

    With The President Elections Everywhere, i thought we could instead of having Zainos pick the staff members (Not saying their not good staff) why dont we vote for them for a week, and have 3 people or so be the Candidates for A New Helper, Mod, Admin, And Head-Admin. (No new owners zainos does...
  9. xoSammy


    Hey everyone! I've made a new group called ThePugPack. There are loads of ranks you can move up for free and a lot of special ranks you can apply for! If you're interested in joining ThePugPack, please comment down below and if you want to apply for a special rank then go on the Happy HG Server...