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  1. Mushr00mKing

    Fixed Checkpoint bug

    I was playing parkour and then I reached a checkpoint. I set my checkpoint there and then I continued doing parkour. I died some times and after a while when I died again I spawned on the checkpoint before the place where I had set my last checkpoint. Can someone plz help&explain me...
  2. Mushr00mKing

    Message About Me

    Guys & friends, I am very sorry but I can't come online for a long time because I broke my wrist :'( I hope you all understand.
  3. Mushr00mKing

    How Long?

    This Message Is Nothing
  4. Mushr00mKing

    A Little Mistake

    I applied for Build Team. On the third question of the Build Team application you needed to write your Country and TimeZone. I accidently writed only my country :o My time zone is: MET
  5. Mushr00mKing


    When you apply for Build Team you need to show a photo of one of your buildings. Do you have to upload the photo on imgur and then put the link of it in the answer box?
  6. Mushr00mKing


    Yay the server is open again! Thanks, staff! Great work! : D
  7. Mushr00mKing

    Youtuber Rank

    Does there exist a YouTuber rank. If it does. What do I need to do to get it? ( I mean like, what kind of video's i need to upload )
  8. Mushr00mKing

    My Staff Apply Modification

    I sent my staff apply with IGN: Mushr00mKing. In the apply you will see my e-mail adress is: but can you please send answer to Thank you
  9. Mushr00mKing

    Staff Apply

    If you applied for staff will the server apply soon? And how will it?
  10. Mushr00mKing

    Why Is The Server Partially Griefed And Afterwards Closed?

    I guess much of you guys noticed that some games (Creative plots, OITC and more) has been griefed. When Zainos tried to fix it, the server has been closed. Much players think this disaster is caused by a hacker but Zainos says it isn't. I believe Zanios is right. But when will everything be...