Recent content by TNTcinder

  1. TNTcinder

    Important New System

    I got muted for 5 mins for advertising, no big deal but I didn't advertise. The plugin thought I was. I said "Rip in kill 2015-2015." Not a server ip. just wanted to let you guys know;)
  2. TNTcinder

    Fixed Read

    Hey staff, or any players, fluffy bunny might be bugging out on me, or it might not. People are saying you cant two shot people, but I can. Idk whats going on. I can two shot with fluffy bunny, so if any staff ban me for "hacking", I don't its probably a bug. I don't want any accidental ban's...
  3. TNTcinder

    I Dont Hack

    Here are my buffs.
  4. TNTcinder

    I Dont Hack

    Here is the screen.
  5. TNTcinder

    Jungle Arena Back Or Not?

    YES. THIS IS MY SECOND FAVORITE!! My first is the fire one. I think this should be the main one. No offense to saword, but I don't really like this arena. I mean, think its the nicest one we have ever had, but not the best for suitable pvp. I personally love this arena and the old one, and I...
  6. TNTcinder

    Fixed Dem Glitches

    Trenly even though some are minor they should still be fixed. In dreams, you can get a iron pickaxe at the beginning and kill a lot of people. It is a disadvantage and the only weapons you should be getting is from chests. What do you mean "the bow at hub"? Zainos does not want us flying out of...
  7. TNTcinder

    Vote For The Next Gamemode That Should Be Worked On!

  8. TNTcinder

    Fixed Dem Glitches

    Lol I think I have a knack for finding glitches. I wrote another book of glitches, and soon hopefully more to come:D.
  9. TNTcinder

    Fixed I Wrote A Book Of Glitches.

    Lol sorry I read this report and when I said that you can poor water on factions right next to you I ment mansions in the vip world. Sorry I haven't been on forums in a while and don't mean to bring this topic back, just to alert Zainos.
  10. TNTcinder

    Selfies W/ Staff!

    pshhh selfies with friends is way koolr
  11. TNTcinder

    Fixed I Wrote A Book Of Glitches.

    I wrote a book full of glitches.
  12. TNTcinder

    Pvp Moments

    Pvp is one of the better games modes on this server in my opinion. The black mamba kit is becoming popular between vips, one day I came on, and there were like 7 black mambas. So we deiced to take a selfie:D I also "shot" someone with the master sword:P And cinder also shot me with his apple...
  13. TNTcinder


    Oudey me and iAoura pvped. He tried to trap me in my own arena by claiming it. I claimed the last part. He hacked. He also claimed over my private chest and will be getting banned shortly.
  14. TNTcinder


    OK! If anyone can beat me in factions they get my rank, the hammer, ill get them two mil, and a set of real god armor. I get the choice of the arena. PLease sign your name or contact me ig to pvp. My ign is TNTcinder. Hope we have some challangers! :D