Recent content by Kookie

  1. Kookie

    Prediction Game

    False. The next person is Trenly.
  2. Kookie

    Kit PvP Kit Shadow

    Suggestion: Perhaps instead of having long rows of health, replace it with resistance instead? Resistance will help manage our soups better and not spam soups every time we're hit. The Absorption potion effect is a little annoying since it does take up GUI space for those who are bothered by it...
  3. Kookie

    Kit PvP This is an interesting idea...

    Understood so, what's your final answer?
  4. Kookie

    Kit PvP This is an interesting idea...

    I do like the idea Zain! Though let me elaborate a bit more on my vision. Perhaps add a new rank and possibly call it EVENT or something of the sort. That person will only receive that title in certain servers like KitPvP or so to promote Happy HG and monitor the EVENTS but the idea of creating...
  5. Kookie

    Kit PvP This is an interesting idea...

    Being part of the PvP community for years, I at least have a general idea of what they would like. Well lets see how the community reacts to the post, we'll never know until we see. Thanks for replying Trenly!
  6. Kookie

    Kit PvP This is an interesting idea...

    Suggestions: I believe there should be events hosted by trusted and active players such as staff. What will partake in these events is popular events that I know people would love to play such as Sumo tournaments, Color Run, or Red Rover. Whoever wins the events should win some prizes such as...