Recent content by JonahUnderscore

  1. JonahUnderscore

    Skyblock Levels?

    Thank you!
  2. JonahUnderscore

    Skyblock Levels?

    Hello! I was wondering if anyone knew what most of the block levels were? (Sorry don't know how to word it) But like what each block placed what effect does it have towards your island level? I was wondering mainly about obsidian, but information about other variety of blocks would be helpful as...
  3. JonahUnderscore

    Skyblock Skyblock Suggestions Megathread(?)

    I guess but it would be cool to have a ghast spawner and blaze spawner. But I see what you mean.
  4. JonahUnderscore

    Skyblock Skyblock Suggestions Megathread(?)

    My suggestion is to be able to trade in items for spawners that are unattainable such as Ghast spawners or blaze spawners.
  5. JonahUnderscore

    Skyblock Skyblock Suggestions Megathread(?)

    Actually love some of the ideas but the chest locking is a bit far for me. Personally I think people should be aware of who they let have access to their island, if they don't then they could get griefed.
  6. JonahUnderscore

    I got block-blocked in Skyblock.

    Haha yeah I believe each island boundaries make up a 400 by 400 square. Sucks that you couldn't continue with the circle though.