Recent content by itaylorrr

  1. itaylorrr

    "my luck continues"

    "my luck continues"
  2. itaylorrr

    when "king Bach" follows you... nice start to April 5 lol.

    when "king Bach" follows you... nice start to April 5 lol.
  3. itaylorrr

    Skywars teams/solo games

    thank you for the reply, maybe this could be added sometime later into the server? I actually do see it being honest a good idea but I know that it's sort of unlikely to be added. if it really became a issue I think it would be fair to make the team maximum smaller. since I've been in a game...
  4. itaylorrr

    Skywars teams/solo games

    thank you for the reply, teaming is a strategy but maybe we could have it so it isn't as op as we could normally get in a regular game with op chests. we could maybe lower the amount of things in a chest and make it some what less op then it normally is. But if we had solo it would be fine to...
  5. itaylorrr

    Skywars teams/solo games

    So my suggestion is to have different sections on skywars, for example you could have a round where you just do solo skywars ( no teaming ) or a round where you team with someone ( like maybe do /request team "player" or if you have no requests or you didn't send one out you could be assigned a...
  6. itaylorrr

    Creative Commands

    I meant that you could do /p coowner ( User ) and it could allow then to add and remove people as well.
  7. itaylorrr

    Creative Commands

    This is true. But maybe a command that would allow them to just add others, since being a rp owner the stress of adding people is crazy once you have a million people moving around. I understand your point in people would take full advantage if this was a command. But maybe there should be a...
  8. itaylorrr


    Ign: CauseTaylorr