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Global New Rank - Trainee Helper!!! :)

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I have this idea for a new rank. It's called trainee helper. Its for people who want to be a helper and are going to apply when they are older to see what its like to be a helper. Its also for younger people who know about the server that are too young to be a helper yet.

-Sky :)


Trusted Member
What exactly would this rank do? Plus, if this were a rank, people would literally be getting free ranks. I highly doubt this will be added.
But that is only my opinion, imtotallychris and Zainos can decide on this.


Retired Staff
You can watch and learn what the helpers do if you wanna learn some.

We have the age guideline for a maturity reason. Honestly, power in immature hands can get scary really fast xD

Secondly, if you try and expand staff too big, then staff really means nothing. Everyone is "staff" of some kind, and the boundary between player and authority is blurred.

Third, what criteria would you even use to choose trainee-helper? That would be more applications for Chris (probably 2-3x more than he already gets) and a very difficult time with all that.

Finally, what permissions would they get? Kick or ban powers? That goes back to power abuse and maturity. If not any power, then they just get to shadow staff chat... And might not keep things confidential.

All in all, because of maturity, workability and all the above reasons, I don't think this would work.

Lol. Went all hardcore debater there xD


Retired Staff
Magic Conch, should this be added?

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